Command newusers vs useradd/adduser

So, I'm wondering if there are any major "under the hood" differences between command 'newusers' and 'useradd/adduser" on Linux.

I do understand newusers uses a file, but is there any major difference in how the accounts are created or why one is superior to the other/buggy?


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Newusers is for updating/adding users in batch whereas adduser is for a single user.

should be zero differences because the information is stored in /etc/passwd and follow a very strict standard.

newusers would be used in a very large linux envrioment where user information changes are done in batch.

you could have something like a master user panel, passwd reset panel, etc that outputs the data onto a file and have a cron job for newusers that reads that file and makes the changes needed.

if you want to learn more about how users and groups are manged in linux then i have a excellent post in my #ult series Insert comment about shilling your own posts here

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It seems to assign users to uids greater than 65534. Wayyy higher than my others and doesn't add to gshadow.


no clue. never used newusers before.

The max UID of a modern Linux is 4 billion or so as an unsigned 32 bit number, this works fine:

sudo useradd --uid 10000000 testing

I think for compatibility and such a max of 5 digits is recommended, but I just checked and ls -n seems to displayed the big number fine.

gshadow is passworded groups, I think it's analogous to share level passwords in Windows, the newgrp command activates it, not something I have ever used.