Comcast: The B.S Begins Once Again [Man has to sell his home]

We all know Comcast doesn't give a fuck about us, In-fact they are arguably the King of "No Fucks Given".

When it comes to Internet service one man was not so lucky, and the final straw was for this unlucky man (Software Engineer) was to sell his BRAND new house in the beautiful forest area of Washington State.. BECAUSE Comcast wouldn't provide Internet service to his house even though he was promised by Comcast that he was going to be provided Internet service.

Apparently, Comcast Requires $56,000 to $60,000 to provide this man Internet, because their nearest connection point is 2,500 feet away from his house.. or 0.762 Kilometers for those outside of 'MURICA. because it requires Permits and Access to buried cables in the street. The sad part about all of this was that the man WAS WILLING TO PAY $60,000 for Comcast to do it, and Comcast STILL said Nope, NOPE.. NOPE!!!

Personally, I would argue it was his own fault for even believing in Comcast, but in a similar note. I'm curious if this man can sue for False Advertisement considering Comcast said they would provide him Internet service and he wasn't allowed to get it. ALSO it shows how Comcast are really just incredibly lazy..

Thoughts on this? this is is sad / Lulzworthy story.


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Consider this: you wouldn't see this in 3rd world countries.

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That is some real bullshit. I hope Comcast goes bankrupt and all the higher ups go to jail. I don't care what happens during the process. They are some real scumbags that need to be replaced.


Doesn't he have any other options for internet service? DSL? Satellite? Not really—Comcast's only real competitor in the area, CenturyLink, has marked Morabito's area as "permanent exhaust," meaning they're not hooking up any new customers.

I knew those fuckwads had their hand somewhere in it. Fuck you, CenturyLink!

Permanent exhaust

What a lazy bunch of fucking greedy fucks. Holy fuck! I could rant for hours. I'm gonna go ahead and get out of this thread while I can.

FCC, get off your arses and put your newly found Title II powers to good use. Goddamn! How bad does it have to get before you'll lift one of those fat sausage links you call fingers? Americans are being forced to sell their homes and move just to get an Internet connection. What the fucking fuck?

I understand his situation somewhat. It's next to impossible to get telecoms to expand or upgrade their infrastructure. My parents live just outside of Las Vegas. They have several choices for ISPs including cable, DSL and even WiFi - though none of them with incredible speeds. A few years ago CenturyLink announced that the Las Vegas market was to be one of the first areas that they were going to implement FTTH. The city had previously scheduled the street to be torn up in its entirety, have new utility infrastructure installed and then repaved. I contacted them (with nearly a year of lead time) and told them that if they coordinated with the city, they could install fiber along the entire street (~70 houses in a fairly well to do neighborhood, several $Million+ homes) and not have to pay to repave. I even offered to walk the street and personally promote the service so they could get more subscribers to help subsidize their costs. They didn't go for it. They said they didn't have plans to deploy to that neighborhood. I even know for a fact that there is a fiber node right at the end of the street. The infrastructure to the street is right there. It would be so easy to do...and yet they do nothing.

It's all very frustrating.

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