here is an article about Comcast and their costumer service
here is an article about Comcast and their costumer service
Whoa. I wonder how the phone call went
i bet i was crappy
Sounds about right.
Dam thats pricey for internet. i get 50/20 for 15 bucks a month, and its fiberoptics. he better be getting 100mbit
I get a bit higher down at around 60 and about 10-15 up for $80 from comcrap.
I just checked mine. Apparently they bumped up speeds in my area. Same price as what you are paying. Upload speeds stayed the same. I think Century Link scared em with Fiber. Too bad Century Link outside of Seattle sucks ass.
i get 300 up and down from Verizon because my moms compny pays for it
use this to test it and share the score. i doubt that you are getting that