Basic premise of this is I have saved up $3000 and would like to build a high end gaming pc/editing rig with peripherals and an os.
Only strict requirements is that it must have dual monitors or triple I don't mind either, it must stay on budget and can only go $100 over, and all of the components need to be able to fit in a fractal design r4.
Other than that go nuts and if SLI is possible that'd be fantastic for editing.
I have no preference whether an AMD or Intel build I've used both and never seen too much of a difference.
I am going to assume you only need the tower hardware and monitors. If you need other things such as an operating system or peripherals, I can help with that as well.
2.5K. I suppose you could get 32GB of RAM if you do a lot of heavy video editing, but here's a starting out point.
If you want larger 27 inch 1440p IPS monitors ... a pair of these would be nice to work on ... and would fit the budget if you kill the three monitors in Some Tech Noob's build.
And I agree more ram would be better. And maybe a quiet fan to exhaust out the top of case.
Here's a pretty neat setup for $2730 --
Triple monitors; Sli 4gb 770s ; 3, 1TB WD blues for raid 5; a great intel wireless nic (I use this and love it);other great stuff
I couldn't figure the fan situation with that case, but you have plenty of money to finish that. You'll also have enough left over to pick out some nice peripherals.
here's a little something i came up with, it comes up to $2,500. but it's X99 so you can do all with it hope you like it. if you want anything change. but only put 2X1080p monitors but will work great what you want.
PCPARTPICKER 2.1K 4690K, 16GB DDR3, R9 295x2m, 2TB SSHD & 2560x1440K Monitor (there is no reason to spend anywhere near this much if you are just running 1080p)
Pickup a Razer Deathadder and some generic keyboard, honestly there are some pretty good ones out there. Grab atleast one other monitor too of some description, even an old 4:3 Dell (which there are millions of) is absoloutely fine, it really is a massive improvement (especially for study). If you need a Headset or something Superlux 668B are not too bad. Forgot the wireless car unfortunately, you should look for a PCI one or a USB dongle thing of some description, to avoid splitting your PCIE lanes.
Unless your doing some CPU intensive productivity application a 4790K isn't worth it, it just isn't. Because you get like 99% of the performance for like 2/3rds the price unless you are doing some productivity thing on your CPU. Alternatively if you need some of the extensions not available on these processors, you could use the non-k parts, the xeon parts, or even an AM3+ part.
If your just using 1920x1080 then xfire/sli of two high end cards is just silly you should just grab a mid-range card like 770-760, or 285-280x if they work in adobe premier...