I'm a college gamer and currently have a little extra money (~$400 USD) on my hands to upgrade my computer. This is my current PC build (already built ignore prices):
This forum has helped me build my first computer and now I'm hoping I can get some advice on what to upgrade now. I've been told that upgrading my RAM then my GPU, would be best. I've heard that AMD 300 series (GPU) would be coming out soon as well.
Any ideas on what to upgrade and what I should upgrade it with?
Currently I will mostly will be gaming and streaming. I didnt know if having two gpus would mean I would have to get a new Power Supply because then I thought I should just get a new GPU. Also is there a reason to go for the GTX 980 over the 970 really, or is it just more future proof.
Games I play: League of Legends, World of Warcraft, Assassin Creed... Looking into getting into more games as well.
Whatever I upgrade I do want to better the performance and also be able to stream with some nice quality as well.
16gb of ram is a good idea that with a new video card and some overclocking will give great performance.
Try 4.2ghz at like 1.16 volts or so and see if it is stable if it is good leave it and if not either lower the multiplier one of increase the voltage a little.
Every chip is a little different. Make sure you set up you load line or vdroop what ever your motherboard calls it and test the voltage you set under OCCT and see if the v core voltage is staying at what you set under full load.