Coil whine when overclocking AMD-fx6100

I've been anxious to overclock my newly found love, the fx-6100. Whenever I overclock to 4GHz, Vcore around ~1.4V (since I usually do a test boot before putting Vcore on manual) The motherboard starts whining when I start up prime95. My question is: is this PSU related or just simply the MB VRM overworking themselves?

Edit: Check my profile for my full specs

My money is on the mobo. Your PSU has plenty of headroom and is not strained. Unfortunately your motherboard is one of the cheaper ones from gigabyte with an openVRM. I would back off the overclock and make sure your motherboard temps stay under 45C or so if you don;t want the whine when OC"ing.

I've read a lot about my particular motherboard not having VRM heatsinks but mine is rev 1.3 or 1.4 since it does have a heatsink on the VRMs. Tested external heatsink temperature @ max load and it was 36C. I'm fairly confident in that the heatsink can handle it but it is a dead spot in terms of air flow. Also, is coil whine inherently negative?

So coil whine is generally caused by fans, are you absolutely sure it's the mobo? If it's the CPU heatsink, then ultimately it can be solved by replacing the fans. However it's been discovered that the exact power conditions, associated with the PSU, can also cause coil whine, so if you able to you can also try a different one too.