Coding problem help

I coded a a site (first time) but i have an issue, it loads up extremely slowly when i open it from my local file. Do you guys know why this may be? I worked off an old site, and i'm sure the code is not streamlined and inefficient. so that might be an issue, but if you guys have any suggestions for steps i can take to better it, would be helpful.


Hmm. There could be many root causes. Could you give a rundown of what type of content is included on the site (i.e. embedded video, image formats, etc)? Also, are you using any scripting or is everything just straight HTML/CSS?

I used a lot of plugins. ashamed to say, but also a bit stolen code.... yes i'm using js as well. i think because i have a deadline for it, and only a little coding knowledge everything is kind patched together without real planning or thought. I definitely learned a lot by doing this, but like i said its a lot of patchwork. i haven't put it live yet, so i don't know if it makes a difference whether or not its local or live..

If it loads slow locally the chances are its going to load slow live as well.

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im going to try changing the image sizes, i feel like a dummy but this is prob the reason for why the images are not loading fast enough.

Yep, chances are this is your slow point. I always resize as small as much as possible. If a page doesnt load on a strong 3g connection in less than 5 seconds then it needs work. Cause thats about the timeframe you have before a accepting user becomes an annoyed user.
If you can utilize some html5 features instead of possible bloated js code you may shave off a bit of load time as well. Unless of course you've got some AJAX stuff happening.

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Are you maybe using fonts from an external source? (e.g. Adobe EdgeFonts)

I would agree with LAWJ. It's probably JS loading from external sources that takes so long. Try putting all your JS code referrnces to the bottom of the . This way, the pafe renders, while the JS is still loading. Also try to get local copys of jQuery and stuff. Helps with loading times & you can code on the go, without internet access. If you want to find out why the page exactyl loads slower, chrome developer tools(The inspect this site thing) has a loading time viewer.

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@LAJW so you are saying that page load times will be exactly the same for a page using large uncompressed PNG files versus optimized JPEGs?