Coding for games

E-books are the best for coding of games. Coding of any require time to build its process. Refer any coding e-book so that i can learn coding for games.

What sort of games are you interested in making, and what platforms do you hope to target?

The answer to those questions will guide your decision for a specific language.


I kinda don’t agree with that…
Most stuff in game development are already super standardized and more importantly - already created.

Unless you want to learn to make stuff yourself, you can literally just copy and paste different codes and scripts and stitch them together to have something functional.

For example, you can have a functional turn based system, functional tactics system, functional inventory system, functional skill system, that you can stitch together into a game in a week if you know what you are doing.

Books can help, but for me nothing beats a community you can turn to when you have a question. There is always someone, who already had that issue and know the solution. Forums and so on are literally irreplaceable…

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Thanks for your reply. It depends on the person who wants to do copy and who wants to make original content. It’s all about priorities.

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