Coding a website for options/purchases

Where are some good places to look if I'm wanting to learn how to code a website for a customer to pick optinos and then add those up and then purchase said option? Is there an easy, by the book way of doing this? What is the easiest way to code this? I'm super new to it but do have a little programming background. We currently use shopify to make it work but its not what we need. If this is a "buy this to do this" then fine, I can handle that and start working my way that way, but i'd like to to do this without purchasing software.

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Writing your own online store is not something to be taken lightly.

WordPress with WooCommerce or Magento are probs your best options. Drupal (what L1T 's main site is built on) is a good option but assumes you really know what your doing.

They aren't 'easy' to setup but they are ready built platforms to sell stuff.

Both offer themes and plugins to change the look and add functionality.

Everyone and their mother is trying to sell you a wordpress theme and plugin. Themeforest is a good place to start looking.

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I was told to look at PHP and Magento so I'm looking into them. Thanks for the response!

easy way is squarespace. thats what level one techs uses.

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I am sorry to inform you that there are no shortcuts.

If you do not like the noob-friendly solutions, learning how to make an e-shop on your own or even how to use Magento will require you at least 2 years of experience.

Don't be sorry lol. Honesty is much appreciated. At least I know. We signed on for a year contract anyway so its going to be a while before we try to use anything I create. I look forward to the challenge of learning something new and trying to implement it.