Hey guys,
I just signed up on your site, I'm from France and I found the content : videos etc. amazing.
Here's the thing I need a PC to get things done !
My budget is 800€ which makes $970. I will buy things in France : I can buy on amazon whithout problems.
For the price I would like everything needed in a tower and a screen.
I don't think it will fit but before giving up the screen I want to ask to competent people.
Things I will do with my PC : gaming (battelfield, counter strike, gta, far cry ) at 60fps with 1920x1080 but not a lot just for fun; coding (so compiling...) a lot.
I need a PC that doesn't start being slow because I have skype open, 40 chrome tabs open, an IDE open too...
I don't want to overclock neither to install watercooling, neither to buy an OS.
Screen preference : 60hz, 24", no screen type, If the screen can pivot that's better
If I could fit a sdd I think It can be a great thing but again budget is straight.
URI of config : http://pcpartpicker.com/p/bN4TVn
Here I put the real price I will pay things in Euro to dollars, because for some people 1€ = $1...
First configuration idea (852€ -> $1030) :
- SDD : 78€ -> $95
- RAM : 77€ -> $94
- Proc : 158€ -> $191
- MotherBoard : 65€ -> $79
- Hard Drive : 55€ -> $67
- Graphic card : 138€ -> $167
- Case : 43€ -> $52
- Fan : 30€ -> $36
- Power supply : 61€ -> $74
- Screen : 146€ -> $176