CoD MW3 sells 9.3 Millions on the first day

Can somebody tell me why? I can't explain it. It is not that good.

because.... people like paying 60 bucks for the same game with different gun sounds.... despite the fact that they get screamed at by 12 year olds....

Not to steal pathogen's joke but seems to be the world's best selling map pack!

Now world, take some time out and look at BF3

I dont know what yall are talking about MW3 is definately the best game I've played since Halo Reach

Don't really understand it either I thought COD 1, 2 , and 4 were awesome, but after COD4 it was basically game the same over and over (even nazi zombies was boring) with overpriced map packs and will probably continue to be so. But luckily we will have Skyrim two days from now :)