So I was just looking at the dimentions of the CM Storm trooper that I was thinking about buying in the next month, when Newegg saind it was discontinued! Does anyone know why it is supposedly discontinued? Also I know this is the wrong place for this question but I am already writing it, what are the drawbacks to using micro itx or similar?
If you want the Storm Trooper, check out the Storm Stryker. Its the same model, but white and with a window. I have one waiting to be worked on. It's big and roomy. and I am planning on doing external cd drive as well, so I added a third front intake fan.
Ive personally got the CM Storm Trooper and it is a wonderful case. Just barely fits under my desk and is SUPER silent, great airflow and I don't ever see a day that this case with run out of room inside it for future upgrades. If you're into having a window and don't mind the case being white the Stryker as mentioned should be a great case aswell. I'm just not that big of a fan of White cases.
they may have stopped manufacturing more, and I don't know where you are, but its in stock in the uk all over the shop. Its a great enthusiast case, built a few machines in these, highly recommended. Stryker is great to if you like white (I don't).
drawbacks of going mini-itx? motherboards cost considerably more for similar feature levels, much harder to deal with heat dissipation and thus overclock considerably worse, you don't get expansion for future upgrades, fewer ram slots. I could go on. I really only recommend mini-itx if you want a truly compact system, like something built in a lian li tu100. If you aren't gonna carry it around go mid or full tower, you will enjoy your build a lot more and upgrades, maintenence & general fiddling will be far easier.
Keep an out. It says out of stock, but not discontinued. If you don't mind the tax, Amazon might have it. Believe me, on every other forum and I have been on, everyone just loves this case. I'd say it's worth the wait, or if you have any other options, throw them at us.
It is on Amazon as well. If you go to the cooler master website they have a list of sites that sell the case. I ordered mine through Amazon. Can't wait.