Cloud providers

Opinions, favorites, discussions, horror stories, preferences, etc.

I’ve personally used:

  • Hetzner
  • Steadfast
  • Digital ocean

DO is cheap but sketchy, Steadfast is ridiculously expensive but rock solid, hetzner is somewhere in between in service but on the cheaper side for what you get.

love to hear from yall on this.

OVH is my favorite. Support is terrible but the wide array of options is compelling. Particularly good if you’re looking for cheap, slow storage.

Scaleway is fine if you don’t care about your data. Avoid them if you care about persistence. (Most workloads will.)

Linode is solid. They’re not the best on any particular point, except maybe support, but they’re stable and reliable and worth considering.

how’s pricing?

Hetzner seems really inexpensive given my experiences, especially to go cheaper you have to compromise on a lot of fronts even if not strictly instance specs.

In general, I’ve found all VPS offerings are poorly priced. Across the board, they need to adjust their storage pricing. The current trend is ultra-fast, tiny SSD backed storage.

Great for developer playgrounds, not so great for economical hosting and home-user workloads.

Cheaper dedicated servers are optimal for enthusiast users. OVH’s potato-tier is Kimsufi. Boxes in the $10-$20/month range aren’t horrible.

Their enterprise tier has monster boxen. :rofl: Not worth it for most people, I think.

I think hetzner has skylake quadcores dedicated for 35 a month, but I haven’t really had a need for that much horsepower yet.

I’ve got an array of boxes from them. My favorites are little ARM storage server ($6 a month), or little Atom boxes (for $11), I think…

4 cores, 4 GB of RAM, 2TB of disk is basically my unit of computing.

how are they with uptime

I’ve used them for years, and still do. So… pretty good. :slight_smile:

And I say that as someone who’s had on-call duties monitoring them.

Every provider has issues given enough servers and enough time. They’ve been good-to-great. My most common downtime with them has been the occasional server hardlock.

i’ll keep that in mind, thanks

Just be aware that their cheaper servers don’t have RAID. Plan accordingly.