(CLOSED) PC Upgrading


Around 3 years ago I bought a computer for around £600. I want to upgrade some parts inside the computer (preferably graphics card (Asus GTX 770), power supply (Corsiar 600W Bronze) and an SSD (Samsung 840 EVO)) but wanted to hear what the Tek Syndicate community has to say. I would want to spend around £300-£350 for the entire upgrade, but I will also be changing the case and fans soon too.

Here are my current specs:

Intel Core i5 2320 3.0 GHz (Stock Clocked with Stock Cooler)
8GB DDR3 Memory (Think it is 1600 Mhz)
Nvidia Geforce GTX 550Ti
CoolerMaster 500W Power Supply1TB Hard Drive
160GB Hard Drive (Linux Partitions)
DVD Drive

Thanks for the help.

Honestly just build a new one. Just save up you're money one here is what i would save up for just my opinion. http://pcpartpicker.com/user/GamingGuru93/saved/3PzP


So something along those lines? I would recommend going for the 80+ Gold power supply simply because they tend to be made with better components. The Corsair Bronze would work fine, but the EVGA I linked might be a little better if you plan on using it for a while.

just get 770gtx and a 120gb evo like you are planing. also a psu if you dont trust the one you have.

Sweet, going to take that into consideration. Thanks!

Thanks for you help guys, going to take all of your feedback into consideration. Especially the change in power supply.