Hi, I just built the honey bager with an asus GTX 780. I am looking at GPUZ and my core clock is jumping between 324MHz and a little over 600. both of these are FAR below the stock clock. My memory clock is stuck at a whoping 160MHz.. why is this? I also have the same problem with my 1600 MHz RAM. it is set at 1600 in my BIOS but CPUZ is only seeing 804.2 MHz.
why is this?
I had a ton of problems with my motherboard so I woulden't be suprised if It has something to do with it all.
the clock speed on the gtx 780 and most graphics cards will drop if it not being used or stressed by a program. For you ddr3 1600 mhz memory 800mhz is the normal speed you multiply that by 2 for 1600mhz effective clockspeed since its ddr3.
Sounds like normal behavior to me. The GPU throttles down (both core and memory) when not in use to save power and reduce heat/noise. Run some FurMark, Unigen, or other GPU stress test/benchmark of choice and the clock speed should kick right up. My GTX 650 usually runs at around 324MHz when not in use, but will kick up to 1059MHz (or whatever my OC may be) when in game.
As for the memory, the speed that is advertised is the effictive speed. CPU-z doesn't show the effictive speed, but rather the actual speed. With DDR memory (Double Data Rate), the effictive speed is doubled the actual speed. So 804.2 * 2 = 1608.4MHz, so memory is operating normally.