Hey guys, I have a Custom One Pro, I love it, they sound good and they are comfortable. However, its clamping force makes wearing it long duration a pain in the ass. I thought it is seasoning issue but I have been wearing it almost daily for nearly two months already! Is there anyway to solve this through mods? I'm thinking of DT880 if modding is too expensive.
BUMP! Expert help pls. Mr Tyler from Mayflower Electronics, please shed some lights on it. Thank you. =D
The only things that I have heard of people doing is stretching the headband by putting them on something that is larger than your head, a box or books or something, and leaving it there whenever you aren't using them. That isn't a guarantee though. It is possible that you can damage the headband by doing something like that though, so be forewarned.
If you are looking into getting a new pair of headphones, I would suggest you lok towards the HP100. Great all-arounders. There are plenty of reviews around the internet, especially head-fi.
I'm currently doing so. I'm gonna consult the store that sells me the headphone later.
Currently doing what exactly? I am not following.
Stretching the headbands with book etc.