Hey I'm doing a networking project and I'm not sure what to do. I want to configure a switch to have 3 networks on it and i have to configure the router's interface that contains the switch and the 3 networks.
Ex : on Fa0/0 on Fa0/1 on Fa0/2
Also, what IP should I give to the interface on the router?
Can I subnet to /22 and get to and then subnet it again to get the subnets above and use something like on the router?
What Layer is the switch?
It's possible however you will have to VLAN each interface that is connecting to a separate subnet into separate VLANs Eg. Vlan 10 for Fa0/0, Vlan 20 for Fa0/1
To do this will require that your router can do VLANs, so that it can do interVlan routing. On the router you'd leave the configuration blanck for Gi0/0 however you'd add each individual VLAN to that interface. (Vlan 10 = Gi0/0.10)
This does mean that any packets destined for other subnets will be sent to the router (which could clog the route) unless you are using a switch that is layer 3 capable.
In regards to the IP for the router. Each VLAN on the router would have a its own IP.
In response to a subnet within a subent.... No. Subnetting doesn't work like that.
You also have the single point of failure when using a router-on-a-stick topology. Using a multilayer switch and SVIs allows for wirespeed routing since it's done in hardware with ASICs, but they're pretty damn pricy!
Well this setup is presuming that the router is then passing to the gateway and not using a dedicated router on a stick topology.
I personally prefer the Router-on-a-stick method but VLAN routing works well too. I personally hate working on Cisco IOS and I am a CCNA student. ^_^ getting ready to graduate and get my CCNA.
You could use multiple switches to act as your router for interVLAN routing. just use the trunking method. You can of course combine VLAN trunking with Router-on-a-stick.
I find it odd that these things aren't explained on the course on netacad or maybe it's just because i'm not advanced enough. I'm doing CCNA routing and switching and i never heard of interVLAN trunking or router-on-a-stick. But anyways thanks guys! :)
Which curriculum are you studying? I got taught this in CCNA3, the LAN part of CCNA. It covered LAN design, basic switching concepts, switchport security, VLANs, access and trunk links, VTP, spanning-tree protocol, interVLAN routing using router-on-a-stick (sub-interfaces on a router) or SVIs on a layer 3 switch, and WLANs.
Yeah as was said before the instance you have listed above is definitely referencing Router-on-a-stick. The new CCNA covers way more than the old exam. You guys have it lucky, we didn't get into TShoot stuff until CCNP. Anyways have fun with your lab!
I'm doing CCNA routing and switching 1. It's pretty much the same thing as the old CCNA 1 but there are more labs. So I guess that's why I didn't understand at first but it doesn't seem too complicated after a bit of research.
im also a networking student, ill try my best to help
what are you trying to achieve overall?
have you been provided any network requirements?
i know you want 3 networks. it sounds like youve been given
the addressing block to work with.
do the networks have host requirements?
im not exactly sure what youre trying to do so ill wait for your reply, and
give you some general info.
from what youre stating, youll need to have all 3 networks connected to
a switch and that switch connected to a router.
you can have each network on a separate vlan.
have the switch trunked to the router. if you use inter-vlan routing
then youll create sub-interfaces on the router and use those as your
default gateways for your networks. in turn then you wont need an
address configured to the router interface.
as far as the subnetting goes it will depend on the network requirements.