Chromium Browser

So I am going to give pure chromium a go but one thing I need now is a replacement android browser. I currently use chrome and would like to switch it to Chromium but there does not seem to be a fully functional build on the same level of completion and functionality as Chrome. 

This is currently as good as it gets for pure Chromium and it is missing a lot of features but it works as a browser. No bookmarks, no tabs, no sync you get the picture.

So is there a build of Chromium on the same level of functionality as Chrome or failing that can Chrome on Android sync with Chromium Desktop? Being from the same base that is not a huge stretch of the imagination. Is there a a way to de-crappifty chrome so they are at least on some sort of privacy wavelength?

I want sync, and largely I still want chrome, just not Google. I will check out the Beta build. 

Thats a deal breaker. And i though Chrome-beta was on the light side.