Chromecast on regular user LAN to be available on segregated vlan on different subnet

Hello there,

In my particular use case I have segregated a guest wifi network on a vlan that is not visible to the rest of the network. It is on the subnet I would like to make the chromecasts available to the guest network and my regular user network on but still keep the guest network separate from the regular user LAN any ideas on how to achieve this. As of right now even if I allow traffic between the two subnets the chromecast is not visible on the guest network.



Welcome! Please consider editing your post. No reason to format your question as code.

I don’t know how well it’s supported but some folks have had luck with mDNS-repeater.

You’ll also need to punch holes in the firewall in addition, and make sure your cross vlan routing works but you already know about that.

Avahi! a package easily installable on pfsense! Thanks for your help!