I am using an acer c720 chromebook with ubuntu installed by means of crouton. In chrome OS the audio is perfect, however when i switch to ubuntu all audio has an annoying grainy sound covering it. the louder i set the audio, the louder the grain gets. It seems to be most present in music when there are lower frequencies (like drum kicks).
any suggestions? if more info is needed just tell me so.
Have you tried messing with settings in pulseaudio (I dont recall but I think Ubuntu uses that by default as a sound server) or by playing with settings in alsamixer (accessed by typing in alsamixer in a terminal)?
I also found this
If you are using Pulseaudio - which is likely, it has had a long history of being poorly handling certain audio chipset drivers. You may be able to solve your problem by adjusting the the driver parameters in the file: /etc/pulse/default.pa. You will need to have administrator permission to do this. Be sure to make a backup copy of the file before you make changes, just in case.
Edit the line: load-module module-udev-detect
and add "tsched=0" so it will be:
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0
Save it, and then preferably reboot, just to be on the safe side. Don't worry, this parameter should be perfectly safe to use. It will force PulseAudio try to not bulldoze over the sound driver's timing by forcing the scheduler to 0.
In a random post on reddit after a google search referencing an UbuntuForums post. I'd give it a shot...
This file edit doesnt seem to have done anything for me unfortunately. messing around in alsamixer doesnt seem to be doing anything about it either
Is there a newer version of Ubuntu you could try maybe?
I will see about updating my chroot if possible
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You could give Arch a shot, I've heard it works great on Chromebooks..