Chrome 57 breaks VMware ESXi WebUI?

Is anybody else having this issue? I’m getting a popup error when I try to log into my ESXi 6.5 host using chrome. IE and Edge are no-issue, but chrome (post-update) wont let me work in the WebUI.

I wonder if it broke the client integration plugin? Does it work for any of the parts of the interface? Here is a Reddit thread that brought it up as well. No resolution though.

Ill let you know tomorrow, though I started using Firefox for mine after having chrome unable to make VMs a few months ago. Think that was an issue not related to chrome though.

I get the same error using chrome when typing username/password and hitting the "enter" key to log in. But when i type username/password and use the mouse courser to click the login button it works without error message.

I'll have to give that a try - strange that this would make it go through?

Anybody know why this update broke this though?