Chrome 56 quietly added Bluetooth snitch API

But Google made little effort to publicise another feature that's decidedly less friendly to privacy, because it lets websites connect to Bluetooth devices and harvest information from them through the browser. Here's Pete LePage of the Chrome Developers team describing the feature:

LePage, in the video, says: “Until now, the ability to communicate with Bluetooth devices has been possible only for native apps. With Chrome 56, your Web app can communicate with nearby Bluetooth devices in a private and secure manner, using the Web Bluetooth API.

“The Web Bluetooth API uses the GATT [Generic Attribute Profile – ed.] protocol, which enables your app to connect to devices such as light bulbs, toys, heart-rate monitors, LED displays and more, with just a few lines of JavaScript.”

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So my browser just turned into a keylogger... Great.

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Luckily I removed Bluetooth from the kernel a long time ago.

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We should be using Chromium instead.

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Google software teams are soo eager to push out features before announcing them publicly, and sometimes not even then. It's like they're satisfied to have the canary testers find out, then their work is done. And of course, incorporating a setting to toggle the brand new feature when it has reached the normal client seems to be generally frowned upon.

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Does Google Chrome still listen to people through open mic's as well?

This is the reason why I still use FireFox.

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Firefox master race. I love it, no matter how slow.
This should be their new slogan:


I don't find it to be slow... Although I do have it on an SSD

I use it everyday and I think it's ok, however it's slower than most browsers.