Christmas Build

Hi, i am thinking about asking for PC parts (FROM A LIST OF PARTS AND WHERE TO GET THEM, if i can. probabally wont) for christmas. I'm going to use it kindof like a steam machiene, but kindof not. going it watch youtube and twitch, play games like war thunder, modded MC,Terraria, TF2, Rocksmith 2014 (<- Very hard to run..... NOT! i would think) and games like that. 



  • Node 304, Haf stacker 912 (or the one that come's with it, might build a comp for a freind.) Phenom, Prodigy, Collosis.
  • if you can fit it within USD350/400, Quickfire rapid.
  • Able to play W.T at 45FPS with high-max settings (Bit hopeful.)
  • YouTube and twitch at max.  Can only run at 720 and LOW on this comp.



