So right now i am chosing an ssd (first one ever) and would like your advice here are the my choices
Crucial M550 128G
Intel 530 Series 120GB
For system info i have Asrock 990fx killer motherboard with Amd fx 8320
Waiting for your suggestions and thanks for them in advance
I would go with the samsung 840 evo. heres why: it has a great price for performance ratio those read/writes are fast. Boot time is very quick, even more so when you enable the RAPID function which turbo charges the ssd. This is because it has a built in 3GB SLC for small quick files. It can withstand a decent amount of writes over its lifecycle and is prabably the best choice for someone who wants great performance for a great price. So thats my rationale about that but here are some key feature of others. I would reccond this as a standalone ssd and not in a RAID configuration because you cannot enable the RAPID function on multiple of these ssds at once, it only works with one. And the 240 GB has the best scaling with its controller.
The kingston hyperx may not be as fast as the evo but i assume youre talking about the 3k model? if you are that one has a 3k r/w lifecycle for amazing durability so it might last longer than the evo or others. Similar priced as the evo, this would be my second choice. Great for RAID configuration or standalone.
The crucial one is good but not great. its kind of like a cross between the hyperx and the intel, very fast read write speeds, not the fastest out there. or as durable as the kingston, but still very reliable. the benchmarks about are quite consistent and when it is going for good price this would be a great ssd to have if none of the other ssds above a good price, out of stock, etc. So crucial has some solid reliability and they are good if youre very new to ssds and just want something great without having to look to hard. pretty much anything by crucial is solid IMO. Great for RAID configuration.
Lastly, we have the intel, this ssd is very fast, but the read speeds are fast and not the write speeds are not the same. With that being said, they would be ideal for a RAID 0 configuration, those read speeds would be faster than any of the other ssds in this lineup in RAID. so if youve got the mass storage drive and want a RAID config then id reccomend these guys because they are usually pretty cheap.
So it really boils down to what you want to do with your ssds but i hope this helped :) also heres a link to a site that has helped me learn about ssds.
Thank you for suca detailed bad ass answer you realy helped to make up my mind i will go with 840 evo
Samsung 840 EVO series are indeed very good choices.
Also Adata SX900´s are very good.
i personaly have a Samsung 840 pro.
wayy to expensive if you ask me.
i would recommend a samsung 840 EVO, Adata SX900 / SX910.