So I have been getting choppy gameplay almost like im getting 40fps or so when I am getting much more. This happens on cod black ops 1, mw3, and mw2. It seems that these are the only games that it happens on and Im not sure what is going on. My specs are fx - 8350, HD 7970, 8gb ram, gigabyte 990fxa-ud3. I dont know what it is with these cod games but my fps is in the hundreds but it plays like im getting 40 If I turn vsync on it seems to get better but the input lag is unbearable. black ops 2 seems to run fine though its just the older ones that do not run well. I was wondering if anyone has this same problem or if there is some silly easy fix that im not seeing. Any help is appreciated thanks.
is this happening in multiplayer? it tends to happen in multiplayer.
Yes this is in multiplayer, my friend with nearly the same hardware (8350, 7870) does not have this problem at least according to him, maybe im just picky.