Chinese Hackers vs Subpar School Security

So apparently some "Chinese Hackers" have been popping in and taking our school's servers and from the slow internet I'm going to assume they're using the bandwidth. 

Would anyone actually take our servers and use them for bandiwdth for like 30 minutes? Using us to DDoS?

So our school started putting up some pointless security on the school computers.. They blocked cmd.. but you can still run bat files and do anything you want..? 

Is that to stop privelege escalation? It was already pretty locked down before. (disabled bios settings even after entering the blank password lmfao, filtered internet, & everything is on LAN anyways... ). 

Not sure if there was an actual question, however I'll answer them in order.

Would anyone actually take our servers and use them for bandwidth for like 30 minutes? Using us to DDoS? Yes, however I very much doubt state sponsored hackers would be wasting their time attempting to penetrate school systems. If there has been some form of network intrusion, there's nothing to indicate why they wouldn't use the server to perform attacks.

So our school started putting up some pointless security on the school computers.. They blocked cmd.. but you can still run bat files and do anything you want..? They're probably making the assumption that students wouldn't create bat files, simply don't care or seem to think they've solved whatever issue they had with blocking CMD. I remember a similar instance in school, when the CMD was 'blocked' but you were still able to run CMD by creating a BAT file.

Is that to stop privelege escalation? It was already pretty locked down before. (disabled bios settings even after entering the blank password lmfao, filtered internet, & everything is on LAN anyways... ) Typically, as far as I'm aware all of the above is standard practice on school networks. It's just to stop people accessing things they probably shouldn't. Examples: BIOS can be used to fiddle with stuff and cause issues for ICT Support, People may be attempting to login with blank passwords which is possibly filling/spamming a log the network has for failed logins, Filtered internet to stop people from going on recreational websites while not completing work. LAN makes no difference.

Thanks for answering the questions and yeah they were kind of scattered in there. Supposedly they are taking control of the servers that give the whole county schools internet(we're a massive county with close to a hundred schools that have multiple computer labs), so again why risk targeting such a large government-related resource for an attack?

If it was state sponsored hackers, which is doubtful - one of the reasons for attacking a large government related resource such as schools would be to gain a multitude of servers. Vast quantities of servers reside in schools with probably poor security practices; an ideal ground to gain resource for DDoS attacks, for example.

Sorry about the late response, I wasn't monitoring the post. :S

No problem! Thanks for the insight, greatly appreciated =)