Chinese appliances shipping with malware-distributing WiFi chips

According to an article on, small home appliances such as irons with hidden malware-distributing wifi chips have been discovered in Russia. Items have yet to be found carrying the chip elsewhere but it is probably only a matter of time.

So that where the lost crate of NSA's Alibaba order of Freedom Chips went.

I doubt it is China spying on russia. Probably the Russians who put the spying bots in the toasters.

Either way if this actually is happening its governments doing dirty stuff to regular citizens. I bet a lot of conspiracy theorists are feeling quite vindicated between this and the NSA/Cisco thing. Next they're going to find that everyone actually does have a radio embedded in their fillings.

Oh, that's why HP switched from it's open source wifi chipsets it was using before to the proprietary Chinese wifi chipsets it's using in it's products now. Ask the linux community how pissed off everybody is at HP for requiring Windows activation before being able to use printers in linux, or how pissed off everybody is at HP for ruining the decades-long standing tradition of open source HP printer drivers with proprietary Chinese wi-fi modules...

Or maybe that's why the US seeks to block Israeli developed open source hardware that does things like open source crypto-calculations or network security, and instead opts to implement proprietary Chinese solutions.

Here is a conspiracy. Corporate powers and our government spy on us with sound waves. They also spy on us with malware presented devices through wifi and land line? Can't people hack a computer through its wall socket? I read somewhere that they can. I could be wrong, but I do recall something along those lines a few years ago.