Cherry MX Browns vs Blues

Hey guys, I'm looking to buy either the DasKeyboard 4 Professional for Mac with either the Blue or the Brown switches. I personally love the blue switches, but idk whether it would be too loud because i have my sister and my dad working in the room next door. I've heard recordings of the sound, but idk just how loud it is, so if you could give me some advice on whether my family could hear it outside my room, that would be great! Also, in general which is better; the blues or the browns? Thanks!!!

If you are afraid the noise will become an issue go with brown. If you really like the click ask them if it's ok.

The second tab of this sheet has switch info that may help you make your decision. Brown is better if you game.

i just bought a thermaltake Poseidon z gaming keyboard with blue switches and i am loving it. the click is not to loud and it has a springs that are just right for me. i am upgrading from a dell RT7D5360 stiff membrane i think.

Blues can be heard in the other room from me through a closed door. That should give you some insight to how loud.

In my experience, the bump on the Blues feels a lot more "crisp" and pronounced than the browns. I went from blues to browns, and then back to blues since noise is not an issue for me.

If you bottom out your keystrokes a lot(like I do), the difference between the blues and the browns in terms of noise isn't that different. The browns do end up being a much lower pitch noise though, which helps make it more tolerable to some people.

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The switches themselves aren't loud on browns. I have a CM Storm Quickfire TK with MX Browns, but the keys press against a metal backplate, so ultimately how loud the keyboard is depends on how heavy your fingers are against the keys. I typically type very heaving so my keyboard is quite audible. Similarly, I brought my keyboard to work and my co-workers affectionately called my keyboard "Clicky." because of the "click" the keycaps make pounding against the backplate.
However, if I type with light fingers, it isn't too much louder than a membrane keyboard, and light typing is very doable on browns because the slight tactile bump letting you the key has been actuated. Also very good for gaming, again, because of the tactile indication of key actuation.
I'd go for Browns, however, I've never actually tried MX Blues.

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You should see if there's a retailer around you that carries mechanical keyboards and try a couple out. I thought I wanted brown until I went to a microcenter and tapped a few keys and found brown to be too soft for my liking. I've seen gaming boards with mechanical swtiches in Best Buy too.

I have a black keyboard at work and a blue at home. Blues have the little clicky sound which some people find really irritating, but I don't think blues are actually much louder in terms of dB than any other cherry switch. Someone in the next room will be able to hear you typing on any mechanical keyboard unless you use some of those little dental rubber bands to damp the sound.

I tried the little rubber bands, but didn't care for them (mushy), and I haven't gotten any complaints about the sound even though it is easily heard. One thing though is that a rubber band won't stop the clicky sound of the blue at all since that's internal to the switch, but it will damp the sound of the keycap hitting the switch.

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you're going to hear the keycaps banging around regardless but the click of the blue switch will make it a little more audible IMO

I'm using greens, and the sound isn't bad at all. I don't bother anyone at my place, even when I'm typing late (one in the morning my time as I'm typing this, and everyone's asleep. No complaints.) The click itself isn't as loud as bottoming out in my opinion. Bottoming out is gonna be loud regardless of which switch you use, red, black, blue, green, white, clear, or brown, even if it has a dampening ring (not sure what they're called.) So maybe if sound is an issue, you might be able to get away with it by typing a little more gently.

You should also consider build quality. Shittier keyboards tend to have more of a percussive effect while typing if the case is mushier, less solidly put together, et cetera. Even very nice keyboards will have this effect. My model m for example, is way louder bottoming out, even though the click isn't as loud as my greens (cm storm.)

Browns feel less bouncy compared to the Blues which are really bouncy/springy.

I'd recommend getting a Switch tester kit for cheap.

Plus one to NJM112 on the tester, I have one and it's very useful. Although if you don't want to buy one Browns + Red O-rings = Heaven.

I would go with the browns. I really enjoy mine, especially for gaming.

I've used both and eventually I just liked the browns more. Less noise and just a little softer. They are perfect.

They will hear both unless you have o-rings. With o-rings the brown is obviously the quieter of the two. You have different actuation between the two. So one you might like more than the other. If you live in a large city then go try some different types of keys out to see what you like. Maybe you have a local Fry's or similar? For me I'd buy neither because I don't really care for mechanical keyboards. I prefer topre switches. Less click clack and more luxury typing. For the same price you could get a cooler master novatouch tkl.

I won't be gaming on it, but mostly typing. I just need to know whether the das keyboard itself is good and whether it's too loud or not

Browns < Clears

Preference != Fact ;P

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Of Course :D but rlly them clears man