Cheep laptop for Linux?

Hello all,

Im looking at buying a cheep laptop to learn Linux, I had a very old toshiba satellite L300 that is so slow it is untrue, even when the hdd had nothing but a fresh version of Ubuntu, so dose anyone have any surgestions? Budget of around $500 USD or so (not too fussed thou) it is not being used for anything strenuous, just messing with Linux and web browsing.

Thanks in advance :)

Then buy a used dual core for around $150 if it's not s serious computer.

for $500 you could easily get a quad core i7 laptop. 

if you are wanting something cheap id upgrade the current one

a review states your laptop has:

  • Intel Core 2 Duo T8100 2.1GHz processor
  • Intel X3100 Integrated Graphics
  • 2GB RAM DDR2
  • 160GB (5400 rpm) hard drive

id get a t9300, 4gb ram, and an ssd for roughly $150. You can expext a 400% increase in performance

otherwise id get:

They perform much better than expected. Mine plays fc3 @ ultra. The integrated gpu has 1gb of ddr5 and performs closer to a 6770 than many states. My only prooblem is i broke my chargeport and hdd by droping at about 4 ft off the ground

ill post some other random stuff

Grab a chrome book. Best value for your money if you know what your looking for.

gotta love the free 4g on the hp chromebooks

Are you serious? 500$ for a testing toy?

Get a used thinkpad, I got one for 200$ with a quadro 570m and a T7700. If you're lucky the newer lenovos like t400/t500 sell cheap second hand. Nvidia and intel works better for linux in my experience, but I didn't play games except some old ones in Wine

Get a chromebook. definitly.

i3 chromebooks are damn cheap in us i believe. you don't need much storage for a linux system. dropbox is great and if the chromebook has a ssd you can use a little usb for your tmp var and swap.