Hey Guys,
I'm a new Gaming PC Builder and I need people to overlook my final build.
Thanks for all the help
Should I get the R4 or H440?
1.Budget. How much are you willing to spend? $800-$1000
2.Where do you live (what country), and what currency do you use? USA and USA Currency.
- -Is there a retailer you prefer? Amazon and Newegg
4.Do you need or already have peripherals? (this can add to costs) Nope.
5.What will you be using your future computer for? Gaming? Rendering? Mix of both? Or is this a home media PC? Gaming PC
6.Do you overclock or want to get into overclocking? Yes, I want to get into overclocking.
7.Do you plan on going for custom watercooling now, or in the future? Yes, I plan to get water cooling in the future.
8.OS. Do you need a new one? Yes, I need a new Windows 8 activation key (I include that on pcpartpicker link)
1.What kind of settings do you like or what FPS do you want to play at? Over 100 Frames
2.What resolution will you be playing at? //or would like to play at. Full HD 1920 x 1080
3.What kind of games do you like to play? Battlefield 4, League of Legends, Call of Duty, and more games like those listed
4.What specific game will you be playing (if you only really play one) Battlefield 4 and League of Legends
Looks great. I would suggest you pick up an air cooler, such as the Hyper 212. The stock HS/F will not allow you to overclock and is pretty crappy at cooling anyways.
I know this is more... but its a lot more performance for not that much more. Put the back fan of the case in the front for best dust control.
Does it?.
I think that will be highly depending on the games he is playing. DayZ, lol, ARMA3, wow. are indeed games, that bennefits intels single core performance. But games like BF4 Crysis3, Biosshock, and and such, there is not much of a diffrence between intel and amd.
Diffrence between an overclocked 7950 (280) and stock 280X is not that big, but i agree that a 280X could be worth it, for a few bucks more, if somebody does not realy feel comfortable with overclocking.
Agree with Mistery here. An i5 with a 280X isn't going to be significantly more capable than an 8350 with a 280, on average. But certain titles could see a decent gain.
Here's my suggestion. Forget overclocking the 4670K. The gains are not worth the extra cost of the K CPU + cooler + Z87/97 mobo. Go for the 4570 which performs almost identically to the 4670K at stock clocks, use the stock cooler (which works totally fine) and a good quality B85 mobo with 4 DIMM slots for easy RAM upgrades later on. Divert all the saved cash into where it really matters for gaming - the GPU.
i5 + R9-290.
The r9-280 is a little better than the 7950's thanks to some tuning and improved design, and in addition you get the bonus of better performance on the i5. Overall, you you get better experience on all games. I stand by what I say. If the OP doesn't want to spend the money, then that is fine. But the performance goes beyond just the games too. Either way, it is worth mentioning. The 8350 is still a good processor, but if the money is available, then I would go for the i5.
Another way to say what you said is "its not much better on some games, and significantly better on other games."
I think it is all about the money. How much money is available and what the OP wants to spend it on.
I think you meant to link something similar to this
and if the OP is NOT overclocking, then I totally agree. This is fine and will perform better than a stock 8350.
I meant to link to exactly what I linked to.
It's up to the OP if they want to push the budget a few dollars over for an SSD. IMO it's worth it.
If the OP wants to overclock, then they will have to sacrifice a good chunk of their budget for that, which in turn is going to reduce gaming performance as that takes away from the cost of the GPU.
That's the other side of the debate. If we're talking about gaming strictly at 1080p, the R9-280/7950 is more than capable. I have a 7950 and can vouch for that. I think if one is looking to game for now and into the future at 1080p, the 280X is a good compromise if one wants to spend a little more on other components. Personally, I would go for a better motherboard, one that supports 2 PCIe X16 lanes (at 8x each in SLI/crossfire) so you can add a 2nd R9-280X in a year or so and significantly increase the lifespan of the system.
You didn't link the permalink dude. Your link just connects to the parts list page that is uses the cookies on each persons browser.
This does come down to preference, but I would actually just get a single graphics card with a motherboard that has the functions that I want, including overclocking. It would be better to buy a good enough card for now, and then buy the newer technology 2 years later.
Getting a good CPU helps this idea better. It is like spending $400 on dual GPU now and replacing it again in 3 years, or spending $250 every 2 years and better taking advantage of new technology.
Having a more powerful CPU helps with this. The i5-4670k can handle any of the graphics cards out there, where as the AMDs hinder performance at the higher end cards. This affect becomes amplified as technology improves.
**I didn't mean to post for you before. What you linked before wasn't the perma-link. So it didn't show what you wanted to show. I was just guessing at what you meant.
Yeah I'll be able to put in the extra money for it, but I'm not sure that I would want to spend that much money on my first build, maybe in the future when I'm more experienced with PCs then I can go Intel.
Since it is not that much more performance could you perhaps recommend an AMD PC Gaming Build around the FX-8350 or any other AMD processor of the same power/speed?
Thanks for the response.
Ah, sorry. My bad. Indeed I did. lol
Your guess was good except that I chose the mATX version of that motherboard and Fractal Core 1000 case. ;)
Here's the proper link: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/3NFEy
As I mentioned earlier, my only beef with the 4670K and overclocking is that the gains don't justify the cost. That cash is better spent on a stronger GPU, IMO.
Could anyone recommend an AMD PC Gaming Build around the FX-8350 or is my current build ok?
Looks great. Just go for it.