I have no idea if there is anyone here with a deeper knowledge about check_MK but this is the most knowledgable community i know of so…
At our company we run check_mk. So far, i’m pretty happy with it when it comes to monitoring. But the report generation is a sht show really.
I’m trying to do a simpel thing (for now). Have one page where i get a list of hosts with their respective uptime and a second table with all their services and a percentage Ok/Critical state.
Check_MK Documentation is… meh and their community is non existent. So far i have not found a way to include both, all hosts of a hostgroup and all services of those hosts in a single report. Can’t be that hard. All i see is that you have to decide. Either have the hostgroup be the scope of the report, then you can get aggregate information on the hosts of that group, or have the individual hosts be the scope, then you get service Info, but nothing aggregated.
It’s incredibly frustrating to the point where i’m debating to set up an entirely seperate system just for the reports.
Add to that, in it’s final form, i need to have basically users be able to select a hostgroup and then get that one report for the selected hostgroup. There doesn’t seem to be a way to make a filter in that form. This means i have to potentially generate 150 reports by hand with each having a different hostgroup filter…
Any tipps on how to tackle this thing would be highly appreciated.