I recently did a full upgrade on my pc, and the time has come that I start actually having physical issues with my build. My HDD that has my entire OS on it is dying. I am going to back it up, so Im not worrying about that. But what I am worried about is buying an extra key in case everything goes to down the toilet. So do any of you know a good place to buy a copy of windows?
Amazon has worked well for me. $59 for a copy of 7 Pro "system builder" that activated just fine.
Do you already have a Windows COA on your machine? Usually they will reactivate.
If it is still sorta alive, there are quite a few tools that can pull the keys for you. I believe Magic Jellybean is one.
Uh if you are actually up to it there a bunch of guys selling windows keys for dirt cheap in Reddit i bought two from this guy Microsoftsoftwareswap i got two keys for 40 so 20 each they are legit if you can take my word for it.
Becarefull wen buying those "cheap keys" online.
You might endup getting scammed.
If you can wait until I finish work, I can supply you a Windows 7 Pro key free of charge. Will be a few hours yet though.
Got 2 from reddit's microsoftsoftwareswap as well. Get it from s5ean since he's a moderator there. So far no issues.
I agree and only reason i would even give him this info would be because i am basically vouching for them. I would personally never give someone bullcrap info. As another has said the moderator s5ean is a no bullshit type of guy if bought from him you are guaranteed a legit windows key.
Nothing really, either buy it new, or find it for free until you have money to buy it
I'd avoid buying any of those reseller keys
look on newegg they often have sales and you can get it for around 100 dollars
Some times on ebay people sell just the code and a stick of laptop ram for like $30. I do not know how legit it is tho.
OEM keys on ebay, done it many times
I only buy reseller items if they're from non refutable people, after all, without resellers, I wouldn't have gotten half of my steam library, and my 290x's. I have bought a windows key from a reseller, and got a pretty good deal. ($50 for Windows 7 Pro) but that was 4 years ago.
buy a broken windows 7 netbook on craigslist. Use the oem key to isntall win7. Then upgrade to windows 10. Should only cost about $20 or so. Just make sure you de-activate before you install on your pc.
Well ya, but in any case aren't the companies behind the software getting screwed by resellers? Like, ya might as well just save yourself money and obtain it through other means rather than propagating resellers, it's not like a physical item where piracy=theft exactly.
Torrent it. Not worth buying in my opinion
That's a waste of money and effort why buy a laptop just to use the oem key on it, oh by the way I really dont think that works that oem key is for the laptop itself.