Cheap PC build with good performace

Im trying to get a good performance but under $700. Could anyone build me one on pcpartpicker? Thanks! - Sapphire Radeon Vapor X R9 270X for $160 after rebate for today only - 8 gb for $70

if you want to save money i'd just buy an AMD FX-6300 - plenty of power and cores for multitasking plenty of overclocking available and really cheap, if you have access to microcenter then check them out for cpu mobo combos (fx-6300 + mother board starting $99)

some hard drive of your choice and preferably with a SSD lol

throw in some cheap case of your choice and a Good PSU and you're set

Assuming you don't need peripherals or OS:

here's a tread about the same thing

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try this 

We need more info!