Cheap Keyboards and Mice?

Does anyone know of a cheap keyboard and mouse for under $40 for gaming?

Iv heard good things about the CM STORM DEVASTATOR bundles's keyboard but iv heard the mouse is very bad. Is this true?

I have a ancient Compaq Keyboard that is very nice for gaming. As for the mouse I have something cheap that works really well. This isn't the same one I have but it is similarly shaped and didn't have all that BS in the name Mouse

I doubt you'll find anything mechanical for that price so they'll all feel the same, just look for something with macros, a non-glossy finish (scratches, slippy etc) and maybe backlighting if you want it.

I got my brother a CM Storm Devastator. I didn't find the mouse too bad in fact its better than the cheap generic ones.

That bundle looks fine for the price. I wouldn't be worried much about the mouses performance maybe just a bit concerned about how long it will last.

My friend picked up a CM Storm Devastator set for his rig. For the price, it's actually quite good. Backlit keyboard and mouse. I've used them for a couple hours and they are quite nice. Of course, the key-rollover isn't anything fancy like 6KRO or NKRO, but in my regular FPS shooter games I didn't experience any problems. Mouse is ambidextrous-shaped, but it felt okay to me.

I'm sitting here with my Microsoft Basic keyboard and mice.

I quite enjoyed the CM Storm Devastator when I got to poke around with it. Hated the way the mouse felt in the hand though.

I have a Logitech M500 mouse, definitely worth the $25 I spent on it. It has a side scrolling wheel, and with the software the side scrolling function can be repurposed, putting it at a potential to be considered a 7-button mouse. The unlockable wheel is also nice.

I just have some old Dell keyboard that's worth about $10. No NKRO, but it has a number pad, dedicated media controls and a volume knob. So it's good enough for me, even though it's not as responsive as some of the other keyboards I have lying around.


A solid mouse at $12.99. DPI up to 3500, seven button, adjustable weights, and choice of six LED colors or none if preferred.
Was my daily driver until just today. So I gave it someone who needed it.

Only con is the software is finicky, but workable.

Do the lights continue to work with ps/2 adapter?

I don't know, haven't tested it. AFAIK putting a USB to PS2 adapter won't help the key-rollover.

There's no software for the keyboard. Scroll lock simply toggles the backlight on and off.

Ah, thought @Logan said ps/2 had better n-key or was that a inexpensive keyboard he suggested?

The best way to check keyboard quality is to hold down both shift buttons and type. Usually type the quick fox and brown dog or however it goes.

NCIX selling steelseries keyboard.

Also found a inexpensive gamdias bundle.