Cheap good VoIP?

I like the price of Magicjack, but hooking it up to my system, don't like so much. Is there a service with a router like vonage, but a bit cheaper? Just calling from home, no advanced features really needed, Local, Long distance & Caller ID are all I want.


Skype, Faggot

A link would be nice....

its comcast derp

Herp Derp is he.

You should try clicking the image, it'll take you straight to the page.

Wow, thanks a freaken porn site.

hahahah dawg got lemonpartied

i never even noticed that picture had a link to be honest... then i put my mouse over it and look at the bottom left

flawlessly done, i applaud you. now gtfo.

He actually didn't originally have a link in the image. It was added after posting. Image properties shows it as a Comcast image though.

just use skype.. its like 36$ a year for like unlimited around the work and then get like the handset so you can walk around your house and pickup the wifi