Cheap, But Better Than Integrated Graphics

Hi guys, 

Can someone reccomend me a grpahics card to throw in my system that's cheap but better than Intel 3000 graphics. It's really depressing having to run everything on the lowest of the low graphics wise. As a benchmark, something that can run planetside 2 or crysis 1/2 on the lowest possible settings at 30 fps. The resolution I'm on is 1440x900 so it doesnt need to be uber powerful. 




Under 100 pounds would be best, so 150 dollars or something?

7770 - fantastic value for money, wipes the floor with nvidia counter parts

that looks great! anything a teensy bit cheaper?

you could drop down to a 7750, but unless you really need to save the money I'd reccommend to stick with the 7770

£10 less same card

Need cheaper still?

yes please, but just as another option. Probably gonna go with the 7770 though


The 650ti is $110 right now and preforms better than the 7770.

He's not in America.


7750 for £71.99

I can be in america in theory. Going there in a couple of weeks.Thanks for all your suggestions guys! :)

going to yanky land in a few weeks aye, well then it's clear what you must do. buy your gpu while your there

........trouble with buying in the US is you will pay import tax and VAT on the card when you come back though customs. :S

only if they check. I got a cpu, guitar and an ssd through fine 

Here's the deal, I'm gonna have to wait until August to have the money to buy a GTX 670. I can use the money I can collect until they to get a capture card and peripherals and monitors etc or buy a crappy graphics card to tie myself over and have less to spend on peripherals and things. What would you do?

Ebuyer's got a few flavours of the 7770 around the £100 mark