Cheap build help

buddy of mine is wanting a PC, and wants to be able to play battlefield 4 most of all. He is pretty strapped on bills.

So if any of you can come up with a cheaper PC that will be able to play triple a titles if would be much appreciated!

Thanks a bunch :)

How cheap are we talking? Ones definition of cheap may be expensive to another.

well i gave him a $740 option earlier, didnt want to spend that much.

not sure what cheap is to you but this will play bf4 and other games great

Good choices, beat me to it! Damn my slow internet connection...

Name me some tittles ? i wanna build something and that proce looks pretty good ;)

dude, there's a$ 650 gaming build and a $350 gaming build video right there --->

if your price range is in the middle build the $350 and put the rest of your fucking money into the graphics card.

Easy man, i was looking at those, i was unsure if they would play the games at playable frames. Cause buddy wants the total Battlefield experience turned on ultra. And on the $350 build video Logan even says it WILL NOT play too many triple a titles including battlefield. Still unsure why you felt the need to swear and get rather annoyed, but all too there own i suppose.

how about the $450 One? but i think the video is old and just update some parts too it ?

+1 on this build.