Can someone who knows the recent GPU market recommend me graphics card to replace my dying HD 3850 that's around a GTX650 or GTX750.
Prices in Romania are skewed ~+30-50$ and so buying new is a problem as my budget is around 140$ tops.
I can find a second hand 750, maybe even a 750Ti at 140$ but I am willing to go with a little bit slower and buy new.
Power supply is a CX430, I'd like to get a gtx 460 or HD 6850 but it just won't work, considering I want to put a Q9400 (95W) there too.
E7300 @ 2.66ghz will upgrade to a Q8xxx or Q9xxx
4gb DDR3
HD 3850
Corsair CX430 430W /w only 1 pci-e 6pin (1 fan, 1 cpufan, 1 HDD & 1 optical drive, uses <300W atm)
An r7 260x would do nicely, maybe even a r9 270 depending on the prices where you are. The 270 also overclocks to 270x speeds fairly easy since its identical to it anyways.
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I would agree with you, except to point out that a 7K series card might be cheaper.
I would have recommended the same but he says he prefers new, plus those cards are infamous for being half dead from mining, I've had 2 I got used die.
I meant buying it new, not used. If you're buying from a reputable seller, new, should be fine, no?
Good luck finding any new lol
How about these I just found on Newegg? About 10 cards, a good 4 or 5 within OP's budget.
Oh I'd love to, trust me I'd work as a slave for minimum wage just buy a stack of these cards and use them as a pillow but newegg is not an option unfortunately.
oh thanks, I completely forgot about the existance of midrange AMD r7(I consider a r7 260 midrange, it's a bit better than a then top-o-the-line hd 4870 from 7 years back). When on sale it's actually decently priced, and it's in acceptable limits for power consumption.
I've found an asus r9 290 supposedly used for light mining for freaking 180$ a year ago, just after the MSRP cut.
I doubt it would have been a healthy investment. I have faith in second hand nvidias around here because not many know how to properly overclock and nvidias are almost never used for mining.