Chaos Communication Congress

Chaos Communication Congress is an annual hacking conference held in Berlin for 4 days ends in 30/12, they talk about consoles and other devices like apple devices and such, however today was the schedualad luctor about the PS3 hacking and how it boots the GameOS kernel and they talked about the PS3 Hardware security sony spent millions to improve it and been bragging since the PS3 lunch that it cant be hacked, in the end it resulted in a MASSIVE EPIC FAIL.

A little Background history of the PS3 before it gets Owned by hackers for those who don't know about the recent development in the console Hacking Scene:

well as you know if you where following the PS3 Hacking Scene Sony made a move which let people very upset and activated Demon Mode, when they Removed the OtherOS option that boots Linux, and due to Geohot's Exploiting and hacking the hardware with his jailbreak method to run Unsigned code which means running HomeBrew apps on the PS3 hardware,

so 5 months or a little more after the removal of OtherOS through firmware update a team called PSJailbreak released their hack based on Geohot's work, and it was a USB dongle to Jailbreak the PS3 by invoking Debug Mode, couple weeks after that a coder reverse Engineered their code and published an open source code to the scene then it just EXPLODED an exploding storm everyone was coding and releasing programs, homebrews and Emulators that u can run on the PS3 which lead to a massive EPIC FAIL from the fallen sony trying to fight them by constantly releasing useless firmware updates and blocking unlicensed USB devices to prevent the exploits but all their work was deemed useless.

so we arrive today to this great lecture consisting of three parts video i really recommend watching it for those who enjoy hacking stuff thank you for reading hope you enjoyed and have a nice day.

Edit: for those who want to watch the Live feed [url=]click here[/url]