Is it worth spending a good amount of money on games for sale when there are hackers preying on your steam account?
If you have been hacked on steam, how did you get your account back?
Is it worth spending a good amount of money on games for sale when there are hackers preying on your steam account?
If you have been hacked on steam, how did you get your account back?
i havnt got hacked be4 but i havnt had my acount for long so im not the person to talk to but u can buy steam gift cards rather than a credit card i read somewhere steam got hacked in 2006 or something around ther cant remmber i reckon u can spend alot on steam i think its safe
Do all you can to protect your account.
But yes, it is quite safe to buy games on Steam. There are plenty of people with $1000 worth of games in their library that haven't have a problem.
I think the biggest problem Steam faces is the lack of quality control in some of the games that they list. Games that are simply incomplete.
Doing something wrong like setting a very obvious password would make you somewhat hysterical about this.
It's safe. Set a good, strong password (that you don't use anywhere else), tie it to an e-mail address that isn't a constant target (so avoid gmail, yahoo etc) and also has a strong unique password of it's own, and you should be good.
Nearly all instances of "hacked" steam accounts were just accessed by someone guessing the password, social engineering, or gaining access to the e-mail account tied to it. Not by breaching Steam's security. Cyber criminals tend to go after easy targets. All you have to do is avoid being low hanging fruit.
ok thanks
Using steamguard (annoying as it is), plus a reasonably hard to guess/bruteforce password are all you really need.