
Dear person(s) reading this post,

I know that there are tons of people who can answer this question, so please don't give me too much crap for posting this in the inbox, but I wanted a quick reply. I'm looking to offer my services as a computer repair man for money instead of peanuts. I know enough about computers that I survived a summer internship in an Indian hospital IT crew. I would like to know how i can get some sort of certification ( as soon as i can) so I can start making actual money, or if i don't even need certification. If I can do it online (supposed certification) that would be GLORIOUS! I live in a really rural town in Missouri, there is a very low number of people who can do anything on the computer. Any help is welcome. 

-Dr. Stupid

working for Peanuts

I would stray away from online certifications if you can, generally speaking in an employers eyes online degrees and certs are 3rd world country material and have little to no interest in rolling the dice on those type of employees.

secondly, there is no such thing as knowing enough about computers, even if you think you know enough or know it all its just something that will never happen. things are always changing and there is generally some aspect that you have never even heard of.

The best thing you could do if your just looking for a couple low level certs to put on the wall like A+ or something like that would be to run to a local college and enroll in some classes that prep you for the actual cert test, often times by taking those courses through a college you are also given vouchers for up to 50% off and sometimes free testing at your state testing center for the real certification.

Also don't be confused by people who told you they got a certification through their college, that is not true, colleges will give you a certificate but its not a real world certification that means anything its just a nice piece of paper to hang on your wall that says you finished those classes in school, the real certification comes from taking the tests at an approved state testing center.

I would make some phone calls to your local colleges and ask where the testing centers are located if you really feel like you dont need to go to school, then you can call and see what the testing fees are and etc to get a real cert.


Hope this helped. 


Thanks a ton! I know I don't know "enough" about computers, I was just stating that I have a level of understanding that allowed me stay afloat in a sea of ridiculous requests from confused people. I know for sure I'm going to persue a College degree in comp engineering. I'm just looking to self employ right now. ( highschool).

Its all good, I didn't mean to come off as rude in anyway at all so my apologies if it seemed that way. but I feel as if my advice would be among the top of advice you could receive for as how to achieve your goal. 

It's pretty solid. I'm gonna start dabbling around. See what I can fish up.