I am setting up a minecraft server with home/minecraft as the directory, i need usr aeg to have access to all of minecraft. How do i do this? nvm chmod works.
It seems like you figured it out, but this is exactly why group privileges are a thing. add both users the a group and set the group priveleges to 7, and set the group ownership
add your self to the user group of Minecraft and update the parent directory permissions to allow WRX.
sudo usermod -a -G minecraft aeg
sudo chmod 0770 /home/minecraft
Then logout and log back into your shell
Don’t do chmod 777
for the love of god
How do you suggest setting up dynmap behind a firewall. I tried portforwarding still no luck
firewall-cmd --zone=external --add-forward-port=port=8080=proto=tcp:toport=xxxx
is what i tried. no luck.
you need to reload the firewall after you make a change
sudo systemctl reload firewalld
sudo firewall-cmd reload
I think is another way to do it
What I do for my dynnmap is I just open the port on the server then I am running haproxy so when someone hits a specific endpoint it redirects traffic to that port so I don’t have to dick with opening non-web ports on my WAN
What is haproxy?
I use it as a TCP load balancer
You don’t have to use it. You can equally use a nginx reverse proxy.
So my traffic looks like this
internet -> linode (HAProxy) -> PFsense -> VM (Haproxy) -> Services (minecraft, dynmap, nextcloud, etc)