Some may have noticed that I haven’t been particularly active on the forum anymore and also just to say that I’m still around.
This is my thread to share why I think that is.
Over the past ~year or so I have become more involved with my new line of work and getting far more active engaging in communities closer to me.
And by closer I don’t just mean physically so - I mean communities that have an active and evolving discussion around complex topics that I feel able to more closely contribute to with actual results.
Someone once said the infamous quote:
“If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”
It’s not a phrase I fully agree with, but it is one that feels apt here for different reasons.
It seems like the smartest and most creative audience has left L1 for deeper, richer waters and rarely if ever congregates here. Now they are found on discord, github and on their own websites and micro-blogs.
Direct connection and collaboration via e-mail even yields much better collaboration and results than any open platform.
There’s also the aspect that L1 and forums in general are a bit of an exclusive club - that not everyone logs into anymore. Controversial opinion: it’s going the way of IRC - but in a different direction. The signal to noise ratio is starting to skew towards noise more and more.
Now going back to the original quote, why do I feel it applies here?
Some of my past posts on L1 I have gotten barely any strong useful feedback or critique and I’ve seen the pattern repeat across other high value posts from other users. Even when I knew exactly I was doing something the wrong way - sometimes deliberately as a test to get some response - nobody picked up on it. It became a bit of a disincentive to post here since the responses where mostly neutral/positive/negative but not contributary to the actual topic/project.
So let me explain why I joined here in the first place:
Collaboration and Community. I didn’t come for the attention or karma.
I joined for the far out ideas, the DIY projects, the posters asking ‘what if we built this’ - and then someone actually comes back with a plan and another joins to put that plan into action.
That’s what I want to see expanded here - but not just exclusively here.
Going forth I’m going to start posting some of the things I do, the projects I’ve built and maintaining a blog (also writing this as a bit of a push for myself - so you here can hold me to that).
Things i post here will be sort of the behind the scenes version of what I post elsewhere and serve as a discussion - jumping board of sorts.
And to start this off I’d like to post a little arduino project I’ve started yesterday.
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