well got these new drivers a couple of days back and tested them our on my 4850x2 and the performance was terrible seems these new drivers don't show any improvement at all but maybe only fix a couple of bugs or so... but anyways i wanna know what performance you ati owners are getting...
here's a link to some review on the new 9.5 drivers with 4850, 4870x2 and 4890 check it out:[url=http://www.tweaktown.com/articles/2764/ati_catalyst_9_5_vista_driver_analysis/index.html]
i think the drivers reduce performance on 4850's and 4850x2 i've seen user's comments with those cards jave the same performance issue i'm getting... but i didn't download the driver's from the ati site... gonna DL them from there and test them...
this is really weird... i did the drivesweeper safe mode etc.. etc... thing and the performance seems the same with the driers downloaded from the ati site... strange thing i last time i formated the pc and installed the 9.5 drivers and performance drops were huge... hmmm i guess i downloaded bad drivers... lol
i've done some testing and yeah i don't see any performance drop at all... checked to see if i installed the driver correctly and yes its 9.5 so... i guess those leaked drivers dont work so good its best to download them from the official site... to avoid any trouble...
The 9.5 catalyst driver does not seem to effect my HIS 3870 whatsoever. Though it wouldn't hurt to implement a fan controller, that way I wouldn't have to use Rivatuner.