Catalyst 9.5 - Performance TERRIBLE!

well got these new drivers a couple of days back and tested them our on my 4850x2 and the performance was terrible seems these new drivers don't show any improvement at all but maybe only fix a couple of bugs or so... but anyways i wanna know what performance you ati owners are getting...

here's a link to some review on the new 9.5 drivers with 4850, 4870x2 and 4890 check it out:[url=][/url]

You're terrible.

I couldent use the 9.5 drivers, i was getting VPU recoverer every 5 mins (even on desktop)

Installed Catalyst 9.5 today, havent had a problem with it so far, although I havent played a game yet...

Well bad news is bad.

i think the drivers reduce performance on 4850's and 4850x2 i've seen user's comments with those cards jave the same performance issue i'm getting... but i didn't download the driver's from the ati site... gonna DL them from there and test them...

lol u didnt download em from the official site

lol im using a 4870 and the 9.5 drivers actually reduced a little bit of bottleneck for me when playing w/x24 antialiasing

this is really weird... i did the drivesweeper safe mode etc.. etc... thing and the performance seems the same with the driers downloaded from the ati site... strange thing i last time i formated the pc and installed the 9.5 drivers and performance drops were huge... hmmm i guess i downloaded bad drivers... lol

are u saying the pre-release drivers are better then the official one?

i've done some testing and yeah i don't see any performance drop at all... checked to see if i installed the driver correctly and yes its 9.5 so... i guess those leaked drivers dont work so good its best to download them from the official site... to avoid any trouble...

My HD 4870 X2 + Catalyst 9,5 is running fine, but yeh havent noticed a perf improvement.

I'm running a XFX 4870 1GB, everything is fine for me.

I'm running 4890 Crossfire X with no problems. From what I've found the ATI drivers and Crossfire work better then my 9800GTX+'s did.

The 9.5 catalyst driver does not seem to effect my HIS 3870 whatsoever. Though it wouldn't hurt to implement a fan controller, that way I wouldn't have to use Rivatuner.