Soooo, I suck at terminating ends. Any recommendations for terimination ends that are a little bit easier.
This is what I’m using now, and I’ve gotten some of them working, the combs are just difficult to get the wires into.
I’ve been thinking about using these, they seem a little easier?
However if you don’t have the right tools it is pretty much impossible, And even with the right tools you will at times have to redo the cable termination as your termination was not as perfect as you felt.
And i’m saying this as a former professional.
I tend to use iperf to run a speedtest between two machines to judge the quality of the cable termination.
PS: The white tool in the pack i linked on ebay is for termination in wallboxes. The one mutation linked is the one you want for just RJ45 plugs.
Eh i have had issues with different connectors and different crimps, the quality on the connectors is the biggest issue if you ask me, youll waste time and cable if you just go for the cheapest ends. As the tool I listed does a really good job and has ends specified for the actual cable (different core sizes), I honestly would just pay the more to not deal with issues.
You can also just find connectors you like but its really up to you. I have also done punch downs before with just a flat head before I actually got into the industry ( was in HS) and that jack still works to this day fine.