Case With a Right hand side Window

I'm trying to find a case with a right hand window and the mobo tray on the left, the reasons fairly simple it sits in the left hand side of my desk against the wall.
Also I'm not overly fond of the idea of flipping the case, but it might come to that 

I am sure it exists somewhere, but I have never seen one. I like the idea.

The only thing is that to pull it off the motherboard would go in upisde down, along with the GPU and cables for HDD would be routed the wrong way either over the motherboard of behind it. You would need longer than regular cables for the HDD and likely the PSU as well.

Dust might be an issue with the GPU sucking air down from above rather than up from below. But thermal wise this might possibly work out better as the hot GPU is at the top now and heat rises so the CPU cooler would be getting cleaner cooler air. The case fans would probably work best in down draught config.

If you could engineer a GPU cooler that worked in reverse this could be a really fun project. Sorry I am imagining some fantastic backwards case. Could be a fun custom build.

That said I would love to do one of these just for the novelty of it.

Silverstone makes a few I believe.

FT04, RV04, and RV02-E.

EDIT: This is like reason #3 why I wish BTX form factor took hold.

Wait yeah what the hell am I thinking. The Micro ATX case from Thermal Take that was reviewed by Albert could have the window anywhere and the mobo was flat so none of my crazy upside down nonsense.

There are probably other mATX cases with flat trays that do this as well, or at least have a right side window.

Sorry go about your business.

Like wiemerimer says try to get a BTX case, i think ATX boards fit in BTX cases.

I found this. It's the Azza Genesis 9000. Its a rather large case with quite a lot of stuff inside it. It's motherboard tray is reversible so... yeah its great for your situation if you don't really have space issues. It seems like a giant case (freaking dual PSU support like why don't more cases support this XD). 

Nope, not compatible.

The Azza is freaking huge and heavy. If you reverse the MB tray the window is on the right-hand side. Having owned a Genesis 9000 I am glad to be getting rid of it. The case isn't bad per-say but, its lots of plastic for the price and the internal layout particularly the hard-drive/5 1/4" bays really are really of poor design. My other primary complaint which may or may not apply is that for SLI/Crossfire the airflow path really sucks unlike the silver stone cases in which the motherboard IOS panel is on the top of the case; the Azza just flips it so the CPU socket is facing down, and the PCI-Es are up top. For a single GPUs this is good for more than one its bad as no air will reach the second card. It's also worth noting that the PSU configuration is a little weird the PSU mounts in the front of the case which does two things, first the distance you will have to route cables is longer then in a normal case; and second a large PSU or lots of cables plugged into it can conflict with the 140mm fans that cool the case (not pre spaced for radiators (fail)) . So yeah other then that stuff excellent case. 

Ah I see. On the spec sheet it looks really awesome. I personally never even seen one of these in person and just looking at it though pictures and product overview it just looks huge. I can see how your complaints of the case are legitimate. I wonder if this still appeals to OP.

Little late to the party, but I would recommend Caselabs if you have the cash to burn.