Case Needed

ok guys i need a case that will fit a gigabyte windforce 670.. its for a friends build has to fit the card and a hyper 212+ and a z77 atx motherboard.. i suggested an haf 912 but he thinks its ugly. so i need case recommendations under 70 USD max

corsair 200r will fit it, it's the classic box shape if you're into that.

If you decide on that, just be careful with a certain pre-installed mobo stand-off located around the middle of the mobo tray. It might short out your board, not sure if Corsair fixed that assembly issue.

other options would be a nzxt tempest and source 210

thanks mate

Corsair 200R and 300R, NZXT Source 220, NZXT Tempest 410 Elite.

Antec GX700? That seems fairly spacious and is good value out of the box. Though it's aesthetics aren't for everyone.

NZXT tempest 410 elite or ZALMAN z11

i would say the cougar evolution, or solution. i have the soultion and that thing can fit almost any thing. plus if he decks it out with all COUGAR orange fans it will look so nice. another bonus is that its really nicly priced.

The evolution is biger but its also coast more and in truth is only slighly better than the soultion, and hold about the same.

Case Labs TH10-D.

See if he can find anywhere  Cm 690 II Basic or Cooler Master Storm Enforcer


NZXT models look fancy. zalman Z9 plus usb3 also a good case., case is too personal realy..