Case fan question

So, here's the the deal: I'm aware of the fact that fans come optimized for 2 things: High Static pressure and high airflow. High static pressure is typically for having to get air through a radiator, where people typically reserve air flow fans for chassis fans. My question is thus:


Though I'm not, by any means, a physicist, I am familiar with Bernoulli's Principle, which states that fluids will move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. So, theoretically, could I see an increase in cooling performance by using high static pressure fans for intake fans and airflow fans for exhaust (unless I'm completely misunderstanding static pressure, which is a definite possibility)? I feel like I would expect the increase in pressure inside of the case to get the hot air to move out of the case at a greater rate. Is this wrong? If so, can someone please explain how these work to me and help me cure my ignorance.

What you're stating is to have a negative airpressure inside of the case, to make it more like a vacuum, and suck in more cold air at once? 

Negative pressure is bad. It brings unfiltered and dusty air in from every small crack or hole in your case, dirtying up your PC very quickly.

Wait. I'm confused. I thought that this approach would cause POSITIVE pressure in the case, not negative. If its backwards, then lets invert the idea: Can I use High static pressure for the Exhaust and high airflow fans for intake to achieve greater positive pressure in the case? My understanding of physics is caveman-esque, so if you can explain how this works I'd be more than grateful.


EDIT: Apparently I can't type today.... spelling, added request for clarification, and put the spaces in the right places....

My understanding of this is that sp fans is in reference to the volume of air. So fans mounted against a object have a limited volume of air inwhich to build the necessary pressure to cool something. A rad or air cpu cooler. Where air flow needs unrestricted larger volume of air .So simply put , up against something sp fans  open volume of air   air flow fans. Think its something like that.

For a positive pressure, just use more inake fans than exhaust. Using a SP fan on anything except a rad or heatsink is pretty un needed and produces more noise than needed. AF fans are for cases, and as long as you have say, 3 intakes and 1 exhaust, itll be positive pressure.

Ah! That makes sense. Thanks!

Sweet. thanks!