Using nvidia gtx 1080, passed to window. gtx 1080 is connected to a monitor. The looking glass works and displays the captured screen fine while the monitor input is switched to GTX 1080. But as soon as I switch the monitor’s input to host linux port or turn off the monitor. The looking glass stops capturing the input.
725937506 [I] platform.c:364 | app_init | System timer resolution: 50.00 ns
725939333 [I] app.c:445 | app_main | Looking Glass Host (B3)
725954002 [I] app.c:461 | app_main | IVSHMEM Size : 32 MiB
725954847 [I] app.c:462 | app_main | IVSHMEM Address : 0x2DB0000
725955727 [I] app.c:463 | app_main | Max Pointer Size : 1024 KiB
725956585 [I] app.c:464 | app_main | KVMFR Version : 8
725958842 [I] app.c:518 | app_main | Max Frame Size : 13 MiB
725959172 [I] app.c:534 | app_main | Trying : NVFBC (NVidia Frame Buffer Capture)
726047669 [I] wrapper.cpp:88 | NvFBCInit | NvFBC SDK Version: 112
730237495 [I] app.c:534 | app_main | Trying : DXGI
730381116 [I] dxgi.c:416 | dxgi_init | Device Descripion: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
730381431 [I] dxgi.c:417 | dxgi_init | Device Vendor ID : 0x10de
730381708 [I] dxgi.c:418 | dxgi_init | Device Device ID : 0x1b80
730381963 [I] dxgi.c:419 | dxgi_init | Device Video Mem : 8079 MiB
730382225 [I] dxgi.c:420 | dxgi_init | Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB
730382487 [I] dxgi.c:421 | dxgi_init | Shared Sys Mem : 8190 MiB
730382748 [I] dxgi.c:422 | dxgi_init | Feature Level : 0xb100
730383002 [I] dxgi.c:423 | dxgi_init | Capture Size : 1920 x 1080
730383273 [I] dxgi.c:424 | dxgi_init | AcquireLock : enabled
730384422 [I] dxgi.c:547 | dxgi_init | Source Format : DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
730385223 [I] app.c:556 | app_main | Using : DXGI
955657859 [I] app.c:275 | captureStart | Capture Size : 7 MiB (8294400)
955659422 [I] app.c:277 | captureStart | ==== [ Capture Start ] ====
955661878 [I] app.c:115 | frameThread | Frame thread started
1006995673 [I] app.c:224 | frameThread | Frame thread stopped
1006996620 [I] app.c:283 | captureStop | ==== [ Capture Stop ] ====
1007234169 [I] dxgi.c:416 | dxgi_init | Device Descripion: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
1007234475 [I] dxgi.c:417 | dxgi_init | Device Vendor ID : 0x10de
1007234725 [I] dxgi.c:418 | dxgi_init | Device Device ID : 0x1b80
1007234979 [I] dxgi.c:419 | dxgi_init | Device Video Mem : 8079 MiB
1007235234 [I] dxgi.c:420 | dxgi_init | Device Sys Mem : 0 MiB
1007235481 [I] dxgi.c:421 | dxgi_init | Shared Sys Mem : 8190 MiB
1007235735 [I] dxgi.c:422 | dxgi_init | Feature Level : 0xb100
1007235988 [I] dxgi.c:423 | dxgi_init | Capture Size : 1920 x 1080
1007236250 [I] dxgi.c:424 | dxgi_init | AcquireLock : enabled
1007237140 [I] dxgi.c:547 | dxgi_init | Source Format : DXGI_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
1007238278 [I] app.c:275 | captureStart | Capture Size : 7 MiB (8294400)
1007238557 [I] app.c:277 | captureStart | ==== [ Capture Start ] ====
1007238988 [I] app.c:115 | frameThread | Frame thread started