Hey, I found a local seller selling AMD 290x sapphire for 300$ CAD. I think this may be a really great deal. Might have the stock cooler but it would be a large upgrade from my 7870, any thoughts on this upgrade?
I think that it sounds too good to be true. I would tend to suspect that the card might have some problems. It would be a substantial upgrade. Is it on kijiji?
This is second hand right, and if by something wrong you mean being used 24/7 for over half a year mining bitcoins then yes, something wrong me thinks.... I think that the bitcoin craze has destroyed second hand AMD market... Saying that so has lack of new models.
After seeing more talk on the subject, it seems that supply and demand may have dictated that price(although still seemsvery low). If you can stand the noise(reference card?)then it might be worth checking out. Are you able to get the original receipt with it?